This product from Fantastic bags is made out of good quality fabric. This backpack comes with the laptop compartment that can fit the laptop size upto 16 inches.It also includes the Organiser to keep the office calculator, mobile phone, mobile charger, stationary, Diary and also stuffs like ear phones, Power Bank etc. There are five easy accessible compartments and enough storage space to accomodate all your daily stuff. This bag can also to used to carry School Books with higher standards. It is a multi-purpose Bag and can also be used for travelling purpose with short trips. It can hold two water bottles on either side of the bag. Zippers used in this bag are of a good quality. Even threads used in the whole bag are durable enough to carry a good amount of weight.
Back Straps are made out of 10mm good quality PU foam making it comfortable to carry on your shoulders for long travelling hours.
Weight of the bag is 815gms Dimensions of the Bag: 45 cm (height) x 30 cm (length) x 22 cm (width) Packing Dimensions of the Bag: 3 cm (height) x 47 cm (length) x 35 cm (width) We at Fantastic bags strive hard everyday to serve you better.
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